
Thanks for buying the Oculus Blog Wordpress theme!
In this documentation you can find instructions for how to install and setup the theme. If you have any questions that are not answered in this documentation, feel free to mail your question to support@lucversleijen.nl.

1. Installation

If you don't have wordpress installed on your server, please  visit http://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress and follow these instructions.

1.1. Upload the theme.

There are two options to install the theme in your wordpress installation.

1.1.1. FTP Upload

You can add a new theme by uploading it directly to your server, follow these basic steps:

  • Find the Oculus_v1_0.zip file and unzip it in a directory.
  • Using an FTP client to access your host web server, upload the "Oculus" folder in the wp-content/themes directory.

1.1.2. Manual upload

You can upload your theme directly in the Wordpress CMS, follow these basic steps:

  • Log in to the WordPress Administration Panels.
  • Select the Appearance panel, then Themes.
  • Select Add New.
  • Click on the upload link in the top links row to upload a zipped copy of a Theme that you have previously downloaded to your machine.
When you have uploaded the theme, go to "Appearance > Themes" and activate the "Oculus" theme.

1.2. Plugins

After you have installed the theme, you will see a notification that asks you to install and activate a couple of plugins that are required for the theme. If you don't already have these plugins installed, press "Begin installing plugins".

Congratulations, you have just installed the Oculus theme!

2. Setup

2.1. Demo content (Optional)

You can start with a fresh install, but if you need some content to test the theme, we have provided a demo file that creates a couple of posts and pages to get you started with the theme.

To install the demo content go to Tools > Import and choose “Wordpress”,
(if you don't have the importer installed, it will automatically install the Importer plugin.)

Next,  upload the file “demo.xml” that you can find in the demo folder and wordpress will insert the demo posts and page in your wordpress site.

2.1. Permalink structure

Click Settings > Permalinks. Under ‘Common Settings' and select ‘Post Name'

2.2. Number of posts

To change the maximum number of posts displayed in de slideshow go to "Settings > Reading" and change the setting "Blog pages show at most"

2.3. Menu

To set the menu's up go to "Appearance > Menu's" and click "create a new menu"

Once the menu has been created, set the "Theme location" on "primary location" and click on "Save menu"

Your menu is now saved, and you can add or remove new items to it!

2.4. Posts

When you make a new post, you can setup the background of the post by adding a Featured Image.

This image will be used as the full screen image in the slideshow, and as the post background.

Try to make sure the image has a minium size of 2000x1000, so it will ook good on big and small screens!

3. Theme Customization

The theme uses the wordpress customize interface to help change the basic look of your theme. To access the customize screen go to "Appearance > Customize".

Wordpress will now show your site with a sidebar on the left with all the customization options. As soon as you change an option here you will get a live preview of your site on the right side.

If you want to keep these changes be sure to click "Save & Publish" before you close the customizer.

3.1. Logo

In this tab you can upload your own logo.

The retina logo is used to make your logo look sharp and clean on tablets and devices that have retina displays

In the retina logo option you should upload a logo that is exactly twice as big as your original logo.

3.2. Header

In this tab you can the header style.

You can also set a background image or colour for the header.
(this setting is also used for the footer BG color/image)

3.3. Theme Colors

In this tab you can change the colors of the theme

The theme uses a blue/orange color scheme by default. You can change the colors by using the color picker.

If you ever want to go back to the original color scheme, simply click default

(This option doesn't have a live preview, in order to see the changes you need to click "Save & Publish" and refresh the site manually.)

3.3. Typography (Google Fonts)

If you have installed the "Easy Google Fonts" plugin, you can use these settings to change the font that is used for the headers, and paragraphs in the theme.

3.4. Slideshow Settings

In this tab you can change the way that the slider behaves. You can change the animation speed, type, pause, autoplay and title alignment.

The speed settings are all in miliseconds, so 1500 means an animation speed of 1.5 seconds

3.5. Post Template Settings

In this tab you can change the default post layout. You can change the position of the title, the position of the content and the comments sidebar position.

3.6. Footer Content

In this tab you can add content to the footer bar.

You can place pretty much any content here. In this example we have added social links, with font awesome icons to the footer bar.

3.7. Site Title & Tagline

In this tab you can change your site title and tagline.

4. Shortcodes & Styles

Oculus comes with a few usefull shortcodes and editor styles that allow you to enhance your content.

4.1. Styles

You can use the styles by making a selection of the text and clicking on one of the buttons or the styles.

4.2. Shortcodes

You can use the shortcodes by adding the tags to your posts.

4.2.1. F.A.Q Toggle

Add to following code to add a F.A.Q toggle to your posts:

[faq question=" FAQ QUESTION "] FAQ ANSWER [/faq]

4.2.2, Icon & Icon Links

Add to following code to add an icon your posts

[fa-icon icon="download" size="100" color="#000"]

Add to following code to add an icon link to your posts

[icon_link icon="apple" url=" WEBSITE-URL " size="50"]

The icons make use of the Font Awesome library, in the "icon" field you need to enter the name of the icon.

You can check out all the icons that you can use on this page: http://fontawesome.io/icons/

4.2.3. Button

Add to following code to add a button your posts:

[btn url="#"] BUTTON-NAME [/btn]

4.2.4. Divider

Add to following code to add a divider your posts:


5. Credits

The following plugins/frameworks have been used in this theme:

  1. Underscores starter theme - http://underscores.me/
  2. Regenerate Thumbnails - http://wordpress.org/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/
  3. Contact Form 7 - http://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/
  4. Column shortcodes - http://wordpress.org/plugins/column-shortcodes/
  5. superSlides - https://github.com/nicinabox/superslides
  6. jquery.lightbox.js - http://github.com/duncanmcdougall/Responsive-Lightbox
  7. Stock images from http://unsplash.com/ and http://www.gratisography.com/
© LV Themes